GSM encryption easy - DEFCON 18
See you at the Rio in 2011 (sic)
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All photos from WIRED.COM
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LAS VEGAS — Roughly 10,000 computer hacking enthusiasts, poseurs, geeks, nerds and government agents gathered for DefCon this weekend. In its 18th year, the world's largest hacker convention draws people from all walks of life to learn about the latest hacking techniques.
Talks this year ranged from hardware hacker Chris Paget's demonstration of real-time cellphone eavesdropping, to defeating biometric locks with a hardware bypass, to the always popular Meet the Fed panel where hackers get to meet a group of federal agents involved in computer security. The talks aren't the only events of interest. There are dozens of popular contests, fundraisers and parties.
DefCon has a long history of either outgrowing or being thrown out of various hotels. This year marked the final year at the Riviera Hotel which has been straining to accommodate the annually increasing crowds. DefCon organizer Jeff Moss, AKA Dark Tangent, announced the new venue during the closing ceremony. Next year's DefCon will be held at the Rio, which has a much larger conference center along with more restaurants, bars and guest rooms than the Riviera.
Here is a look at some of the highlights of DefCon 18:
Above: The official DefCon badge (second from left) isn't the only electronic neckwear offered at the convention. Limited edition breathalyzer badges (left) from the Null Space Labs hacker space in Los Angeles were given to some attendees. The 303 hacking crew from Colorado gave out badges to their members (second from right) and the Ninja Networks gave out badges for their exclusive party
DHS, CIA, DOD, DefCon. Ninja Networks, Joint Chiefs of Staff/The Pentagon.
DefCon volunteer Cal positions an antenna for the cell phone eavesdropping talk on Saturday. The convention is run almost entirely by volunteers, known as goons, who do everything from security, to speaker wrangling to setting up and running the network.
Computer security professional Vyrus competes in the Capture the Packet contest. A new contest for Defcon 18, CTP was created by Riverside who also runs the always popular Wall of Sheep. The contestants are given captured network traffic and their job is to reassemble the message hidden inside the data
The infamous Wall of Sheep lists usernames and obfuscated passwords for DefCon attendees who were unlucky enough to send out their login information unecrypted over the conference's wireless network. This year the most common services on the wall of sheep were Twitter and Foursquare
A number of relatively ancient computers were on display in the Old School Computing room. The best part was that all the computers were working and attendees were encouraged to log in and play around.
Nice post thhanks for sharing
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