FUNNY VIDEO - The Website is Down
There's no way to go back.
You can't arrange them by penis
And adding your boss' Exchange mailbox in your, um..I mean, I've NEVER done that!
"what's your password" -- "just the letter a"
He uses 3 OS, Linux, Windows and OSX, he is using virtualization to run the 3 of them, to be exact he is using VMware server.
The Linux distro he is using is Fedora
The Website is Down
Monster Wwebsite Make Your Move
PlasTrolTech - Skip-Intro Pro Information Tranchnology Infrastructure Architects
top apache is running
Yeah, in a Apple Mac(even though Apple says that those are not PC's)...
You can't virtualize OSX, so yeah its a Mac, and Linux(Fedora) and Windows, running in VMware server.
Just stop forwarding The Chain Email
you don't know the difference between our web site and the internet?
Windows Professional
hardware server farm
remote camera - computer racks
The server operator has kicked you from this server
Tech support on Macs (no tech worth their salt uses a mac)
Sales on Windows (Sales people are only smart enough to use a mac)
Those who can - do, those who can't - teach and those who have no clue whatsoever - sell.
Booting Fedora Red Hat Setting Clock Thu May 29 14:27:39 EDT 2008
Halo Multiplayer
Internet Lobby - Online Gamers
ESRB Notice: Game Experience May Change During Online Play
well how am I gonna get on the internet without AOL?
Remote Desktop...
Our website was at the tip of the penis!
Desktop Icons rearrange - Desktop Background load picture... of the old desktop
Mark All Icons..
Josh Weinberg ... Web Dude
Casey Cochran .. Sales Guy
Jesse Johnson .. Trevor from Arvada
Josh Childs ... Irving Whitefellow (The Boss)
Ruth Sherrod ... Nancy
Music by Rap Team
Thanks to Microsoft, Apple, Skype, Linus Thorvalds, Suse Linux, Redhat Linux, VmWare, Hijack Pro, AOL.. please don't sue us.
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