Thursday, June 11, 2009

911 scientifically planned Mass Murder

Artist of the Week: Daylight Coma

Each Wednesday, Rocks Off arbitrarily appoints one lucky local performer or group "Artist of the Week," bestowing upon them all the fame and grandeur such a lofty title implies. Know a band or artist that isn't awful? Email their particulars to
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Growing up, we were big fans of conspiracy theories. They just seemed fun to discuss. From 1992-94 we argued ad nauseam with friends about whether or not a) the moon landing really happened (it did); b) Lee Harvey Oswald was merely a patsy (he was); and c) our middle school was knowingly covering up the fact that that Coach Bitzkie, our uncouth gym tyrant, was a werewolf (they were).
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It's part of the reason that we were so amped to get some time with rapcore quintet Daylight Coma for this installment of Artist of the Week - the other part being of course that its music, a gnarly assault of chaotic rap-rock, owns. After the jump, find out which Tomball venue DC was banned from playing and why, how 9/11 was absolutely, scientifically planned, and why the racial similarities between rapcore bands is of no real consequence to anyone.

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Rocks Off: Tell us a bit about how Daylight Coma came to be.

Minister of Information: First off, let me introduce myself. I am the one that talks before, after and during the songs. I am the Minister of Information and spokesman. My given name is Paul Osman. I am known as Col. South to the fans of my Web site, which is an alternative media site. I am known to the band as RIOT. Our band was formed in late 2008. We stand for truth, justice and the human way. We are the voice of the voiceless. So far, we have encountered much ignorance and fear. We have been banned in Tomball for daring to say that 9/11 was an inside job onstage at Gary's Spot. A few small-minded poser bands refused to play with us because we were "too radical." But for the most part, our message has been received positively by real metal heads with open minds.

RO: Speaking of, "Riot USA" starts with a claim that the terrorist attacks that took place on 9/11 were an inside job. What's up with that? The Republicans called; they're totally pissed at you guys and the dude that made Loose Change.

MOI: Let's start with history: 9/11 was one of many "false flag operations" that governments have used since the days of the Roman Empire. Governments will stage an attack against their own people to scare them into submission and get them to accept limitations on their freedom and, more importantly, to get them behind a war usually fought for corporate interest.
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Also, Operation Northwoods, that was introduced by the Joint Chiefs of Staff during the Kennedy administration, called for the bombing of American civilian targets to be blamed on Castro's Cuba. Kennedy refused to sign off on it and was so appalled that he introduced legislation that abolished the CIA and Federal Reserve. That was why he was assassinated. As far as Republicans being mad, the left/right paradigm is a fraud. They really agree on the big issues. They are both controlled by a global cabal of international bankers that is trying to destroy our sovereignty and create an global fascist dictatorship known as the New World Order.

RO: So here's something we just realized: A lot of rapcore bands consist of a predominantly white rhythm section with a black guy at the forefront. (Rage Against the Machine, Rehab, POD, Bionic Jive, etc.) Is that a requisite when you're filling out your Rapcore Band Application?

MOI: As for a "requisite" for race among band members, as far as I am concerned there is none as long as they are knowledgeable of the music they play, write or sing. As far as I am concerned, we are all people of the world and all marked for death by the global cabal, so race doesn't mean a damn thing to me. See Daylight Coma - and, presumably, all the members' intense hate for the government - July 1 at Scout Bar in Clear Lake. Check out the group's MySpace page for other show dates.

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posted by u2r2h at Thursday, June 11, 2009 0 comments

Monday, June 08, 2009

EuroSprite 2009

STRANGE LIGHTNING: High above Earth, in the realm of meteors and noctilucent clouds, a strange and beautiful form of lightning dances at the edge of space. Researchers call the bolts "sprites"; they are red, fleeting, and tend to come in bunches. Atmospheric scientist Oscar van der Velde of Sant Vicenç de Castellet, Spain, photographed this specimen on June 5th:

"With my new zoom lens I can now magnify the sky above thunderstorms to get very detailed images of sprites," says van der Velde. "This amazing 'carrot sprite' occurred near the coast of southern France about 250 km away from me."

"Sprites are a true space weather phenomenon," he adds. "They develop in mid-air around 80 km altitude, growing in both directions, first down, then up. This happens when a fierce lightning bolt draws lots of charge from a cloud near Earth's surface. Electric fields [shoot] to the top of Earth's atmosphere--and the result is a sprite. The entire process takes about 20 milliseconds."

Although sprites have been seen, off and on, for at least a century, most scientists did not believe they existed until after 1989 when sprites were photographed by cameras onboard the space shuttle. Now "sprite chasers" routinely photograph sprites from their own homes. "I set up a Watec 902H2 Ultimate security camera on my balcony and used UFOCapture software to catch the sprite," says van der Velde. Give it a try!

diagram: How to Look for Sprites (used with permission of

more images: from Oscar van der Velde of Sant Vicenç de Castellet, Spain; from Damir Segon of Pula, Croatia; from Mike Burdette of Bolivar, Missouri;

See Explanation.  Clicking on the picture will download   the highest resolution version available.

Sprite Fireworks
Credit: D. Sentman (U. Alaska) et al., EXL98 Campaign, AFRL, NRL, USAFA, NASA
Explanation: Sometimes lightning occurs out near space. One such lightning type is the recently documented red sprite lightning, which has only been photographed and studied on Earth over the last few years. The origins of all types of lightning remains unknown, and scientists are even trying to figure out why red sprite lightning occurs at all. What is known is that as some large, positive cloud-to-ground lightning strokes occur, millisecond flashes appearing red may also occur far above in the upper atmosphere. Pictured above, a group of red sprites was photographed at high resolution.

Sprites with Elves

CBC 6mmF0.8
ELSA EX-Vision500TV

Column Sprites

CBC 6mmF0.8
ELSA EX-Vision500TV

Column Sprites

CBC 6mmF0.8
ELSA EX-Vision500TV

The Sprite

CBC 6mmF0.8
ELSA EX-Vision500TV

Carrot Sprites

CBC 6mmF0.8
ELSA EX-Vision500TV

Carrot Sprites
true color

ELSA EX-Vision600TV USB2.0

Carrot Sprites
true color

ELSA EX-Vision600TV USB2.0

The Sprite

ELSA EX-Vision600TV USB2.0

UFOCapture is motion capture software that starts recording on a hard disk drive of a computer from a few seconds before the action recognized to a few seconds after the action finished.
UFO Capture is software for Microsoft Windows and it is easy to build a satisfying observation system by using various video capture equipments on the market.

equipments on the market.
After UFOCapture was first published in 2003, UFOCapture V2 is now available refined by users' requests and advices on summer of 2005.


Ursid Meteor shower, it was very cloudy but he caught a few.

This is the brightest Lyrid that I have ever seen.
I think Mag -11 is a good estimation.
The diameter of the brightness saturated circle on frame 77 is just like a full moon (or a bit larger) that we see through 6mm lens.
In Japan, we have also captured several Lyrid fire ball this year, but they are dimmer than mag -3.
They have the radiants RA(deg)=272.0+/-1.0 DEC(deg)=33.4+/-0.4 and Vg(km/s)=43.8+/-1.0
Please let us know if you calculate the radiant and the speed of this meteor.
Thank you for showing us.
Very bright Lyrid fireball

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posted by u2r2h at Monday, June 08, 2009 0 comments